- +61 3 9005 1454
Chris joined Sapere as a graduate economist in late 2022 and has worked on a range of projects including program evaluations, business case development (including demand and financial modelling), regulatory impact and industry analysis.
Chris’ Honours thesis paper was on the topic of online on-demand livestreaming of major sporting events. He applied Australian audience viewership data from the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games to construct an economic model of Broadcast Video on Demand (BVOD) live sport. Utilising regression analysis based on viewership data from OzTAM, the key findings were that broadcasts with events of high significance for Australians, and broadcasts of four popular participation sports (athletics, swimming, basketball, and surfing), were associated with increases in viewership on streaming platforms.
- Arts, culture and recreation
- Public sector policy and finance
- State, regional and local government

Qualifications & accolades
- Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) from Monash University, specialising in Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne, majoring in Economics and Finance
Recent work highlights include:
- Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (2023-2024) – assistance with managing the implementation of the Business Acceleration Fund and Regulatory Reform Incentive Fund for local authorities and Victorian departmental agencies
- Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (2024) – Maritime Safety Queensland Pilotage Regulatory Improvement Program Support
- Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (2024) – Victorian Distillery Industry Export Strategy
- Fairfield City Council, NSW (2023-2024) – economic and financial analysis for the business case for the new Fairfield Sports and Entertainment Centre
- Create NSW (2023) – Outcome and economic evaluation of the NSW Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) rebate and Digital Gaming rebate
- Regional Development Victoria (2023) – Victorian Innovation Survey including development of Regional Innovation Profiles across Victoria
- Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (2023) – strategic assessment of the Victorian regulatory system’s capacity for emerging technology
- Victorian Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (2023) – Evaluation of the Big Build Apprenticeships Model
- Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (2023) – evaluation of the Victorian Government’s Industry Attraction Grant Program
- Australian Eggs (ongoing) – preparation of the weekly Australian Egg Inventory Survey