- +64 4 915 7590
Dean Nutsford works primarily in telecommunications and with other network industries. He provides advice on network economics and analysis on business development and regulation. He has a particular focus on economic and financial model development. Dean has advised on and developed economic and financial models for a wide range of regulatory and other decision support requirements.
With an electrical engineering background, experience in telecommunications / ICT (including network architecture planning) and additional background in finance and economics he provides a unique blend of technological knowledge combined with economic understanding that allows him to mediate between technologist and economists. His technoeconomic analytical skill enables him to quickly understand the key drivers in economic matters that relate to network industries such as mobile networks, broadband networks and electricity networks.
- Financial modelling
- Regulatory and cost benefit analysis
- Valuations
- Energy and decarbonisation
- Infrastructure and transport

Qualifications & accolades
- Bachelor of Engineering – Electrical and Electronic (Hons) from Canterbury University
- Completing a Graduate Diploma in Finance at Victoria University of Wellington.
Recent work highlights include:
- Secondment to Chorus New Zealand to provide advice and support for: a cost building block (BBM) modelling framework designed to determine the Initial Asset Value (IAV) and forecast the Maximum Allowable Revenue (MAR) for wholesale fibre broadband services; Information Disclosure (ID) requirements requested by the Commerce Commission; and ad hoc modelling to support strategic questions.
- Developed the models and modelling approach to estimate: the increment to revenue above the Annual Building Block Revenue Requirement required by a large Telecommunications Company to transition to an investment-grade credit rating; and the portion of the un-recovered losses that could be recovered from that additional revenue.
- Developed the modelling and methodological framework to analyse and assess the cost and benefits to Transpower New Zealand of a separate grid operator and system operator compared with an integrated operation.