- +64 9 909 5810
Stuart Shepherd is an economist with twenty years’ experience in the economics of infrastructure, the pricing of infrastructure services under various forms of price regulation, the development and design of price regulation regimes, public policy issues, and the formation of business strategy. Stuart is a member of the Hearings Panel (running 2014-2016) for the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. Stuart has provided expert testimony to Parliamentary Select Committee and Commerce Commission hearings and to commercial arbitrations.
Stuart holds a MCA (First Class Hons) from Victoria University and a BMS from the University of Waikato (First Class Hons).
Based in Auckland.
Our Expert Affiliates are a small, elite group of experts who have worked with us over a number of years.

Qualifications & accolades
- MCA (First Class Hons) from Victoria University
- BMS from the University of Waikato (First Class Hons)