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Douglas Yee

Douglas Yee


Douglas is an economist with a background in using large datasets, including Stats NZ’s Integrated Data Infrastructure. Douglas has a passion for projects that help individuals, firms, and communities by ensuring they make responsible and well-informed decisions. Douglas’ work at Sapere has spanned a range of topics in health and climate, and he has applied a mix of quantitative, qualitative, and interpersonal skills effectively into these projects.

Prior to joining Sapere, Douglas was a research assistant and administrator at the NZ Work Research Institute where he assisted on a range of research projects, primarily for the public sector.



  • Data analytics
  • Economic and market analysis
  • Regulatory and cost benefit analysis



  • Climate and environment
  • Health and wellbeing

Qualifications & accolades

  • Master of Business (First Class Honours) in Economics from the Auckland University of Technology
  • Bachelor of Business in Economics and Accounting from the Auckland University of Technology
  • Foundation Business Certificate in Economics and Accounting from the University of the South Pacific

Recent work highlights include:

  • Revisiting the capitation formula for general practice in New Zealand using practice and national-level data
  • Analysing the economic contributions of emissions-intensive trade exposed (EITE) businesses in New Zealand
  • Developing a global warming potential (GWP) threshold for second-hand refrigerants in New Zealand
  • A cross-jurisdictional review on regulations of natural health products.