David Reeve

David Reeve

A smiling man with short grey hair, wearing a dark blue suit jacket over a red and white checkered shirt, stands indoors with a cityscape visible through the window behind him.

David specialises in electricity market analysis, power system operation and analysis, generation investment, energy market risk management, the role of electrification in decarbonisation, and new technology.

David has worked in distribution and in major energy companies in New Zealand and has consulted in New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Singapore, and Tonga. He is also an educator to the electricity industry through Whiteboard Energy.



  • Data analytics
  • Economic and market analysis
  • Financial modelling
  • Strategy and business cases


  • Climate and environment
  • Energy and decarbonisation
A smiling man with short grey hair, wearing a dark blue suit jacket over a red and white checkered shirt, stands indoors with a cityscape visible through the window behind him.

Qualifications & accolades

  • New Zealand Certificate in Engineering: Electrical

Recent work highlights include:

  • Distributed Energy Resources value contribution for Transpower
  • Distributed Energy Resources CBA for Electricity Authority
  • Low Voltage monitoring white paper for Electricity Networks Association
  • Investment review for various power projects


Case studies

Distributed Energy Resources: Understanding the potential

Report to Transpower on the potential value of DER to the New Zealand power system.

Business Case for Investment in Low Voltage Network Monitoring

White paper for electricity networks on how to structure a business case and identify the value of low voltage monitoring.

Transitioning to zero net emissions by 2050: moving to a very low-emissions electricity system in New Zealand

Report to the Productivity Commission on the abatement costs of decarbonising electricity.


David Reeve's

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