Business Case for Investment in Low Voltage Network Monitoring

The purpose of this report, prepared for the Electricity Networks Association, is to make the general case for investment in monitoring the low voltage network. It follows the ‘Better Business Case’ approach with the analysis being structured around four cases.

Review of potential security, reliability, and resilience concerns arising from future scenarios for the electricity industry

This review by David Reeve and Toby Stevenson was commissioned by the Electricity Authority. In recent years a number of organisations have modelled scenarios of the New Zealand energy sector. The Electricity Authority is now undertaking a review of the potential impacts of technological advances and future changes on the long-term reliability, security, and resilience of New Zealand’s electricity system. One of the initial steps in this review is to assess whether existing recent modelling asks and answers questions specific to this review or whether additional modelling is required. The assessment would include specifying modelling still required to address the issues in the review.