- +64 4 915 7590
- +64 27 477 0765
Veronica is an economist specialising in the economic analysis of law. She has a deep background in public policy across a wide range of issues including international trade; science and technology; education; justice; social policy; environment and natural resources; labour markets; and standards and conformance. She has extensive experience at senior levels in government with the Treasury, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Ministry of Science and innovation and Ministry of Justice in New Zealand.
A particular focus of her work has been in developing programmes to build the policy and economics capability of public servants. She has wide international consulting experience with APEC and the World Bank in Kenya, Cameroon, India, China, Thailand, Colombia, Chile as well as in New Zealand.
Based in Wellington.
Our Expert Affiliates are a small, elite group of experts who have worked with us over a number of years.

Qualifications & accolades
- Bachelor of Social Science (Economics) from Massey University (NZ)
- Bachelor of Laws from the University of Waikato (NZ)
- Master of Social Science (Economics) from the University of Waikato (NZ)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) from the University of Waikato (NZ)
- Member, Severe Weather Events Recovery Review Panel
- Life Member, Law and Economics Association of New Zealand (LEANZ)
- Former Board Member, School of Management Advisory Board, University of Waikato (NZ)
- Former Board Member, Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
- Former President Law and Economics Association of New Zealand (LEANZ)
- Former Board member, Pacific Economic Co-operation Council (PECC)
- Former Chair, Government Economics Network (GEN)