- +61 8 6186 1410
- +61 439 860 700
Vijaya has over 30 years’ professional experience and specialises in program review and evaluation; public sector policy, governance and financial management; federal-state relations; and capability building in these areas.
Prior to joining Sapere, Vijaya held a range of senior to mid-range roles in the Western Australia public sector for 25 years, primarily in the Departments of Treasury and Health. Vijaya has practical knowledge and experience in public sector budget and policymaking processes, program design and implementation, and proven ability in providing evidence-based advice to support government decision-making.
Vijaya has been intimately involved in the design and implementation of several major WA Government reforms – the introduction of decentralised governance in the WA health system and the development of the Health Services Act 2016 (2014-16); the delivery of the Health Reform Committee’s A Healthy Future for Western Australians report (2003-04); and the establishment of a whole-of-government accrual budgeting and cash management framework (1998-2000).
- Data analytics
- Economic and market analysis
- Evaluations
- Financial modelling
- Regulatory and cost benefit analysis
- Strategy and business cases
- Arts, Culture and Recreation
- Climate and environment
- Economic development
- Energy and decarbonisation
- Health and wellbeing
- Public sector policy and finance
- Science and innovation
- State, regional and local government

Qualifications & accolades
- PhD (Public Policy) from The John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, Curtin University
- Certified Practising Accountant, CPA Australia
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting, Finance and Systems) from the University of New South Wales
- Member, Australian Evaluation Society
- Member, Healthcare Financial Management Association
Recent work highlights include:
- Review student participation in a state school camp program and develop options for reducing key social, economic, geographical and cultural barriers impacting on participation
- Expert advice on the development of a state public sector climate risk framework
- Review the implementation of a state-wide, online system for environmental approvals
- Program review of a state-based defence science centre
- Support the evaluation of a state government’s investment in National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) nodes
- Economic evaluation of a state government’s new industries fund
- Lapsing program evaluation of a state-based investment attraction grants program
- Evaluation of a state-based science and innovation endowment fund and fellowship program
- Review the operating model used by a state government to provide gambling research and harm minimisation services and develop options for reform
- Development of a state government compliance and enforcement framework for gaming, wagering and liquor
- National review of aged care services for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness
- Strategic review of a state government agency’s business case development and budget processes following machinery of government reforms
- Financial and performance assessment of a state government tourism agency
Case studies
Development of a state public sector financial management awareness training program
Australian Health-Care Federalism: beyond the logic of autonomy
The Australian primary healthcare experiment: a national survey of Medicare Locals
Challenges and opportunities for integration in health systems: an Australian perspective
Tied Grants and Policy Reform in Public Hospitals and Schools

- Client: Department of Treasury (Western Australia)

- Client: Department of Treasury (Western Australia)