Sapere was engaged by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, to undertake research to identify and develop critical techniques and methods that can be used to value and monetise the costs and benefits of resilience in transport infrastructure, described in a way that can be incorporated into the Economic Evaluation Manual (EEM).
The resulting research paper aims to contribute to Waka Kotahi by:
• developing and testing methodologies to better measure the direct and indirect costs and benefits of resilience
• identifying key factors, variables and matters that should be considered in the (ex-ante) cost–benefit analysis (CBA)
• providing guidance on how these key factors, variables and matters can be obtained, valued and monetised.
The study describes the different techniques and methods that can be used to assess resilience in transport schemes and projects. The study will help to better assess resilience in transport schemes and projects and improve decision making.
The full report and a summary version can be found on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website.
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