
Mapping Auckland’s food system: towards a quantification of flows of food, waste, loss, and greenhouse gas emissions

This project aims to quantify the flows of food generated in Auckland and consumed by Aucklanders. Our analysis examines, as much as possible, the direct inputs into Auckland’s food system and the food waste generated within the food and beverage system in Auckland Council’s geographical jurisdiction. The primary goals of the research are to:

  1. generate baseline data on material flows of Auckland’s food system and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and
  2. assist in the identification of intervention points to support Auckland’s transition towards a circular and low-carbon food system.


This research is a key component of Auckland Council’s statutory obligations under the Waste Minimisation Act (2008) to produce a Waste Assessment and associated Waste Management and Waste Minimisation Plan (WMMP). In addition, the outputs of this research are relevant to the Council’s commitments under Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan to be carbon neutral by 2050.

The report was written by Dr Jamie O’Hare, Emily King, Preston Davies, and Corina Comendant.