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Sizing of the backyard and micro-commercial egg production in Australia

Sapere was engaged to develop a methodology and approach for estimating the level of production in the backyard (households raising less than 15 hens and whose level of production is typically driven to meet personal consumption demands) and micro-commercial (small-scale operations with up to 1,000 hens) segment of the egg industry (collectively referred to as the ‘informal sector’).

Māori economic participation in the infrastructure sector – Elevating enterprise ownership and labour market outcomes

He tina ki runga, he tāmore ki raro (In order to flourish above, one must be firmly rooted below).
For the past 12-months, a team from Sapere, including David Moore, Preston Davies, and Jamie O’Hare, has assessed employment and business ownership outcomes in the horizontal infrastructure sector of Aotearoa New Zealand. The mahi sought to elucidate the landscape of Māori employment and business ownership in the sector.

A Future Capitation Funding Approach

Addressing health need and sustainability in general practice funding
The Health Transition Unit commissioned Sapere to work with a reference group of sector experts to explore improved capitation approaches that support the sustainability of general practice, and respond to health need better than existing funding mechanisms.

Assessment of mechanisms of managed retreat

The Ministry for the Environment has made available our report to them assessing mechanisms to support managed retreat. We are pleased the team of David Moore, Angus White, and Kelvin Woock were able to support the Ministry in its important work in relation to climate change adaptation.

Total household energy costs NZ

The transition to a decarbonised energy sector will require considerable investment in renewable energy, provisions for system security, distribution and transmission. It begs the question: what can we expect for total annual average household energy costs through to 2040?