We were asked by a sub-group of Drive Electric (the Charge Point Operators) to consider the key principles that would underpin a robust and successful commercial environment for new connections to distribution networks. While the question was asked by those looking to connect EV charging points the brief was to consider a good regime for all new connections.
Upon developing the key principles, we then were asked to define the criteria that a reviewer of a new connection regime should look at to determine that the connection regime was open, competitive, and efficient. Following the first consultation by the Electricity Authority on proposed changes for new connection access and distribution connection pricing, we were asked to write the following report on our view of the efficacy of the proposed changes.
This work has prompted a flurry of media attention. Specifically in relation to this work, see Felicity Wolfe’s article, Network connection reform lacks ambition, needs rewrite – Sapere, in Energy News, 24 January 2025.
Additionally, on the Drive Electric website, there are two more related reports by this team:
Principles for access – Developing principles for network connection, March 2024
Achieving efficient investment in public EV charging infrastructure, August 2024
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