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Australian household insurance: understanding and affordability

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

Using subjective well-being in policy

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

Measuring long run marginal cost for pricing

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

Analysis of demand for home and contents insurance

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

Insurance influence on road safety

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

National Insurance Project – A review of disaster insurance across Australia and New Zealand

Dr Richard Tooth
William Li
Dr Richard Tooth
William Li

Review of third-party access pricing to SA Water’s water infrastructure services

Dr Richard Tooth
Dr Richard Tooth

Decentralising Welfare – Te Mana Motuhake O Tuhoe

Rebecca Drew
Dr Graham Scott
David Moore
Rebecca Drew
Dr Graham Scott
David Moore

Aotearoa New Zealand: empowered by data

Long term insights about the role of data in wellbeing and economic advantage (Draft for discussion) November 2022.

What is really driving innovation in our plant-based sectors?

David Moore
David Moore