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A circular economy for Auckland - scoping the potential economic benefits

Corina Comendant
Corina Comendant

Benefits and costs of additional investment in wilding conifer control

David Moore
Matthew Williamson
Mehrnaz Rohani
This cost-benefit analysis was undertaken to estimate the costs and benefits of controlling the spread of wilding conifers across the country.
David Moore
Matthew Williamson
Mehrnaz Rohani

Occupational regulatory regime for engineers: Cost-benefit analysis

Sally Carrick
Mehrnaz Rohani
Lockie Woon
Sally Carrick
Mehrnaz Rohani
Lockie Woon

Sexual violence prevention initiatives for disabled people in New Zealand

David Moore
Tammy Hambling
Rebecca Rippon
Sapere were asked to identify and assess sexual violence prevention initiatives that are available for disabled people in New Zealand, to identify any gaps, and to provide advice on what is needed for disabled people in the future.
David Moore
Tammy Hambling
Rebecca Rippon

Systematic risk and the role and measurement of equity beta: a report to the AER consumer reference group

Dr Glenn Boyle
Kieran Murray
Sapere provided an overview of issues that arise in the estimation of beta, with particular reference to the Australian electricity and gas sectors that are supervised by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
Dr Glenn Boyle
Kieran Murray

Final Evaluation of the Red Meat Profit Partnership

Lockie Woon
Sapere was asked to conduct an investigation of the outcomes of the Red Meat Profit Partnership PGP programme (RMPP).
Lockie Woon

Analysis of Access to Innovation Facilities

David Moore
Kelvin Woock
Lockie Woon
Sapere was asked to undertake an analysis of access to innovation facilities in the food and beverage, forestry and wood processing, and advanced manufacturing sectors.
David Moore
Kelvin Woock
Lockie Woon

EPA reassessment of hydrogen cyanamide: a social impact assessment

Preston Davies
Dr Jamie O’Hare
A social impact assessment on the potential phase-out of hydrogen cyanamide – a bud-break enhancer used for kiwifruit cultivation.
Preston Davies
Dr Jamie O’Hare

Review of the Transforming Dairy Value Chain Primary Growth Partnership

David Moore
Sapere was engaged by the Ministry of Primary Industries to evaluate the achievements and expected outcomes from the Transforming the Dairy Value Chain Primary Growth Partnerships Programme.
David Moore

Review of governance of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) technical standards

Sapere was retained by Australia’s Energy Security Board to review governance of technical standards for Distributed Energy Resources (DER).