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Essential Freshwater Regulations – Industry Impact Analysis

William Li
David Moore
David Graham
Sapere was engaged by the Ministry for the Environment to assist with an estimation of the potential impact of regulations resulting from the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2017) and the Essential Freshwater package on the dairy, beef and sheep farming sectors.
William Li
David Moore
David Graham

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: regional economic development possibilities

Preston Davies
Officials undertook a programme of additional work following the independent working group report on the Upper North Island Supply Chain Strategy. This workstream considers Regional Economic Development and Social Impact.
Preston Davies

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: incentives and financial implications

Marnus Beylefeld
In this report, we explore whether there is enough financial incentive for ports to take up options without Government intervention.
Marnus Beylefeld

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: competition assessment

Kieran Murray
This report considers the potential impact on competition of alternative options for handling sea freight currently shipped via the Ports of Auckland Ltd.
Kieran Murray

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: CBA technical notes

Preston Davies
This note is part of a work programme to inform an officials-led assessment of the options for a full move of the freight operations of the Ports of Auckland Ltd.
Preston Davies

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: land value workstream report

Preston Davies
Corina Comendant
This report documents the work undertaken within the land value workstream. It uses a total economic value framework to identify the plausible economic benefits from alternative uses of Auckland waterfront land under a scenario where the Ports of Auckland freight operations are relocated elsewhere.
Preston Davies
Corina Comendant

Upper North Island supply chain strategy: infrastructure workstream report

David Moore
This report accompanies the integrative report that summarises the findings of a collective of consultants led by Sapere in relation to the Upper North Island Supply Chain and the options for a full move of the freight operations of the Ports of Auckland Ltd (POAL).
David Moore

Distributed Energy Resources: Understanding the potential

David Reeve
Corina Comendant
Toby Stevenson
Sapere was commissioned by Transpower to investigate the potential value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in a New Zealand context.
David Reeve
Corina Comendant
Toby Stevenson

Better measurement of the direct and indirect costs and benefits of resilience

Dr Richard Tooth
Sapere was engaged by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, to undertake research to identify and develop critical techniques and methods that can be used to value and monetise the costs and benefits of resilience in transport infrastructure, described in a way that can be incorporated into the Economic Evaluation Manual (EEM). The resulting research paper aims to contribute to Waka Kotahi by: • developing and testing methodologies to better measure the direct and indirect costs and benefits of resilience • identifying key factors, variables and matters that should be considered in the (ex-ante) cost–benefit analysis (CBA) • providing guidance on how these key factors, variables and matters can be obtained, valued and monetised.
Dr Richard Tooth

Open Insurance: The Consumer Data Right and Insurance

Dr Richard Tooth
This report by Dr Richard Tooth and published by the Financial Rights Legal Centre is the first comprehensive attempt to understand the concept of Open Insurance in Australia.
Dr Richard Tooth