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Briefing to Incoming Government on Climate Action Priorities

Toby Stevenson
Sapere Director Toby Stevenson and Jeff Smit of DETA Consulting prepared a briefing representing the collective views of the Sustainable Business Council NZ and Climate Leaders Coalition members on climate action priorities.
Toby Stevenson

Business Case for Investment in Low Voltage Network Monitoring

David Reeve
The purpose of this report, prepared for the Electricity Networks Association, is to make the general case for investment in monitoring the low voltage network. It follows the ‘Better Business Case’ approach with the analysis being structured around four cases.
David Reeve

Review of potential security, reliability, and resilience concerns arising from future scenarios for the electricity industry

David Reeve
Toby Stevenson
This review by David Reeve and Toby Stevenson was commissioned by the Electricity Authority. In recent years a number of organisations have modelled scenarios of the New Zealand energy sector. The Electricity Authority is now undertaking a review of the potential impacts of technological advances and future changes on the long-term reliability, security, and resilience of New Zealand’s electricity system. One of the initial steps in this review is to assess whether existing recent modelling asks and answers questions specific to this review or whether additional modelling is required. The assessment would include specifying modelling still required to address the issues in the review.
David Reeve
Toby Stevenson

The cost of consenting infrastructure projects in New Zealand

David Moore
Jeff Loan
Kelvin Woock
Sally Carrick
Zabard Hartmann
Sapere was asked by the Infrastructure Commission / Te Waihanga to quantify and evaluate the costs, including in relation to time, and risks of consenting infrastructure in New Zealand. This report provides a detailed picture of the costs that infrastructure developers face when seeking to consent new projects and outlines some issues with the current regulatory framework.
David Moore
Jeff Loan
Kelvin Woock
Sally Carrick
Zabard Hartmann

Methodology for Estimating the Underfunding of Māori Primary Health Care

Dr Tom Love
David Moore
Lockie Woon
Michael Young
Corina Comendant
Sapere were asked by the claimants to respond to the Waitangi Tribunal’s recommendation that a methodology be developed to measure the underfunding of Māori PHOs and providers.
Dr Tom Love
David Moore
Lockie Woon
Michael Young
Corina Comendant

The implications of competition and market trends for media plurality in New Zealand

Jeff Loan
Kieran Murray
Dr Reinhard Pauls
Kelvin Woock
This report for the Ministry for Culture and Heritage examines the state of media plurality in New Zealand. Sapere examined how competition and market trends have affected the media, and whether public policy interventions may be necessary to address specific issues or market barriers.
Jeff Loan
Kieran Murray
Dr Reinhard Pauls
Kelvin Woock

Assessing the emissions footprint of the fibre networks relative to other fixed broadband options in NZ

Corina Comendant
Kieran Murray
This paper provides a first assessment of the emissions footprint of the current New Zealand fibre network, with a focus on internet provision to households and small to medium-sized businesses.
Corina Comendant
Kieran Murray

Efficient price discrimination in the wholesale electricity market

Kieran Murray
Sapere was asked by Meridian Energy to review the discussion paper ‘Inefficient Price Discrimination in the wholesale electricity market – issues and options’, issued by the Electricity Authority (Authority) as part of its Wholesale Market Review.
Kieran Murray

Survey to better understand general practice costs – interim results

Dr Tom Love
Sapere was commissioned to provide advice to the interim entities (interim Health New Zealand and interim Māori Health Authority) on options for the future of primary care funding.
Dr Tom Love

Sizing of the backyard and micro-commercial egg production in Australia

David Graham
William Li
Zabard Hartmann
Sapere was engaged to develop a methodology and approach for estimating the level of production in the backyard (households raising less than 15 hens and whose level of production is typically driven to meet personal consumption demands) and micro-commercial (small-scale operations with up to 1,000 hens) segment of the egg industry (collectively referred to as the ‘informal sector’).
David Graham
William Li
Zabard Hartmann