How low-density housing is making us poorer

Enabling a higher density of businesses and houses can bring many benefits to cities. It makes us as individuals, and as a society, richer – and not only in monetary terms. More choices of where to live, and less land per home, means lower house prices.
Growing social housing—Building Financial Capacity of Housing Agencies program evaluation

The Victorian Treasury offered A$1.1 billion in low-cost, long-term low-interest loans and state guarantees to community housing agencies. Our evaluation of this program managed the complexity of complementary social housing funding and financing programs in our analysis.
Expanding Victoria’s Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) System

SafeScript is the Victorian Government’s RTPM system. It enables prescribing registered medical practitioners, nurse practitioners and dispensing pharmacists to access accurate and up-to-date information regarding a patient’s medication history with respect to specific high-risk medicines in real time.
The economic benefits of a circular economy in Auckland

This report provides a view on the potential economic benefits of a more circular economy
for Auckland. It has been commissioned by the Sustainable Business Network to inform its
report on the circular economy opportunity for Auckland.
The emissions footprint of broadband in New Zealand

This paper provides a first assessment of the emissions footprint of the current New Zealand fibre network, with a focus on internet provision to households and small to medium-sized businesses.
Making New Zealand safer: regulating the engineering profession

Sapere prepared a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to support MBIE’s proposal for an occupational regulatory regime for engineers.
Infrastructure consenting for climate targets

This research models the impact on New Zealand’s emissions reduction targets if the current resource consenting system continues to delay decisions on infrastructure project consenting.
Māori Primary Health Care

Sapere were asked by the claimants to respond to the Waitangi Tribunal’s recommendation that a methodology be developed to measure the degree of underfunding of Māori PHOs and providers.
Sizing of the backyard and micro-commercial egg production in Australia

Which came first the chicken or the egg? We don’t have the answer to that, but we do know the size of backyard and micro-commercial egg production in Australia.
A chance to make clinical trials sustainable, effective, and equitable in Aotearoa New Zealand

Sapere provided extensive analytical support to a consortium of researchers from the University of Auckland and the University of Otago on a Health Research Council (HRC) and Ministry of Health funded research project. The consortium was brought together to review Aotearoa New Zealand’s clinical trials activity and infrastructure.