Our focus is providing our clients with the critical insights, evidence base and advice that they need to make complex decisions.
Our highly skilled data analytics team is made up of senior economists and modellers with extensive global sector experience.
Our people relish working with complex datasets and undertaking sophisticated modelling.
We frequently extend beyond conventional methods to provide tailored analysis that is highly regarded for its trusted and consistent quality.
No bulk solutions are prepared here.
We provide our clients with custom data sets, theoretical frameworks and an evidential basis to support decision-making in a diverse range of contexts.
The areas we are regularly called upon to provide modelling include but are not limited to:
Our state-of-the-art, highly secure cloud server can expand to meet any scale of data needs on demand, with access to tools such as SQL, R, Stata, and @Risk.
Our clients know they can rely on our considerable experience in handling large-scale, highly sensitive data, with the confidence that we can help them navigate the most complex requirements.
Our team’s blend of experience, a wide range of research expertise, exceptional analytical ability and industry-specific knowledge in public policy, legal and regulatory frameworks enable us to deliver an exceptional service to our clients.
Our modelling is relied on by government agencies, investors, regulators and private firms. Our services include a broad range of bespoke modelling and forecasting products, including:
As independent consultants, we frequently extend beyond conventional methods to provide tailored analysis that is highly regarded for its trusted and consistent quality.
Level 20, 151 Queen Street
Auckland, 1010
P +64 9 909 5810
Level 9, 1 Willeston Street
Wellington, 6011
P +64 4 915 7590
Level 11, 80 Collins Street – North Tower
Melbourne, VIC 3000
P +61 3 9005 1454
Level 18, 135 King Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
P +61 2 9234 0200
GPO Box 252
Canberra City, ACT 2601
P +61 2 6100 6363
PO Box 1210
Booragoon, WA 6954
P +61 8 6186 1410
Level 18, 324 Queen Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
P +61 7 2113 4080
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