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Aotearoa New Zealand: empowered by data

Long term insights about the role of data in wellbeing and economic advantage (Draft for discussion) November 2022.

What is really driving innovation in our plant-based sectors?

David Moore
David Moore

Corporate governance in the transition to a low-carbon economy

Toby Stevenson
Toby Stevenson

Formative evaluation of Business Link Pacific

Preston Davies
Preston Davies

Analysis of local government cost drivers

Michael Young
David Moore
Michael Young
David Moore

Implementing HealthPathways across Queensland: A case study

Dr Tom Love
Dr Tom Love

What new whistleblowing laws mean for HR

The problem of chronic pain and scope for improvements in patient outcomes

David Moore
Preston Davies
David Moore
Preston Davies

An integrated approach to research, science and innovation system property investment

David Moore
Tammy Hambling
For the Wellington region this is a once in a generation opportunity to look at the way the region’s extensive research and science capability could be strengthened to achieve the goals of the system reforms.
David Moore
Tammy Hambling

The cost effectiveness of bowel cancer screening in New Zealand: a cost-utility analysis based on pilot results

Dr Tom Love
The report found bowel screening to be highly cost effective.
Dr Tom Love