At Sapere, we have a deep understanding of the challenges present in property markets. We have a solid grasp of the needs of developers, investors, as well as local and central government stakeholders.
We offer expertise on a wide range of economic issues facing decision-makers in property markets.
We have skillsets built from first-hand experience as market participants with professional expertise, economic and financial modelling.
We help our clients solve the complex problems they face in navigating property markets and applicable legislation.
Our team brings skills across the full suite of issues facing governments, investors, developers and owners.
We offer support in the following areas:
Fulfilling the executive requirements under the Resource Management Act and its replacement Acts.
Our specialists are skilful at providing expert witness testimony as required before all relevant legal bodies.
Our team is highly skilled in undertaking cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the impacts of legislative, planning, and investment decisions in property markets.
Legislative changes can have large impacts on property market direction, and the profitability of investment and development strategies.
Our experts have the experience and understanding to help private sector clients navigate legislative impacts in their markets, and to help legislators understand the flow-on effects of legislative actions to best solve property market issues.
We have experience analysing markets, producing forecasts and projections to help inform policy-makers.
Level 20, 151 Queen Street
Auckland, 1010
P +64 9 909 5810
Level 9, 1 Willeston Street
Wellington, 6011
P +64 4 915 7590
Level 11, 80 Collins Street – North Tower
Melbourne, VIC 3000
P +61 3 9005 1454
Level 18, 135 King Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
P +61 2 9234 0200
GPO Box 252
Canberra City, ACT 2601
P +61 2 6100 6363
PO Box 1210
Booragoon, WA 6954
P +61 8 6186 1410
Level 18, 324 Queen Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
P +61 7 2113 4080
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