Assessing the emissions footprint of the fibre networks relative to other fixed broadband options in NZ
This paper provides a first assessment of the emissions footprint of the current New Zealand fibre network, with a focus on internet provision to households and small to medium-sized businesses.
Efficient price discrimination in the wholesale electricity market
Sapere was asked by Meridian Energy to review the discussion paper ‘Inefficient Price Discrimination in the wholesale electricity market – issues and options’, issued by the Electricity Authority (Authority) as part of its Wholesale Market Review.
Michael Young

Matt Balmford

Dean Nutsford

A review of the fiscal cost estimate of moving to averaging accounting for existing forests within the Emissions Trading Scheme
Kieran Murray and Gary Blick of Sapere were asked by the New Zealand Carbon Farming Group to review the estimates of fiscal impact relied upon by Ministers when deciding forests registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) before 2019 would not be permitted to use ‘averaging accounting’.
Cost benefit analysis of Building for Climate Change amendments to the Building Act 2004
Report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
The cost benefit analysis (CBA) of proposed changes to the Building Act to support waste and emissions reduction has now been released and the Bill to enable the changes introduced. The CBA was prepared by a Sapere team led by David Moore.
Toby Stevenson

Total household energy costs NZ
The transition to a decarbonised energy sector will require considerable investment in renewable energy, provisions for system security, distribution and transmission. It begs the question: what can we expect for total annual average household energy costs through to 2040?
John Wallace