Our teams have been involved in large and complex arbitrations around the world.
Sapere has extensive experience in providing expert testimony and litigation support services.
Our experience includes providing expert reports and oral testimony under various arbitration rules (such as ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, CIETAC, ACICA and IAMA) in numerous jurisdictions, including Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Switzerland.
We have been instructed to provide opinions on matters regarding:
The issues on which we are asked to provide expert opinions include matters arising from Bilateral Investment Treaties, Build Operate Transfer Agreements, business interruption, breach of contract, early terminations and solvency issues.
Sapere offers our international and domestic clients significant expertise and experience at competitive rates.
Operating from Australia and New Zealand, we are ideally located to service the needs of our clients in the Asia-Pacific region.
Examples of the various matters in which Sapere has been involved with international arbitration include:
Our team has accumulated decades of experience in the provision of expert witness services, ranging from large and complex disputes to small quantum or single-issue matters.
The repeat work we get from clients is testimony to the skills and value that our experts can provide.
Level 20, 151 Queen Street
Auckland, 1010
P +64 9 909 5810
Level 9, 1 Willeston Street
Wellington, 6011
P +64 4 915 7590
Level 11, 80 Collins Street – North Tower
Melbourne, VIC 3000
P +61 3 9005 1454
Level 18, 135 King Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
P +61 2 9234 0200
GPO Box 252
Canberra City, ACT 2601
P +61 2 6100 6363
PO Box 1210
Booragoon, WA 6954
P +61 8 6186 1410
Level 18, 324 Queen Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
P +61 7 2113 4080
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